3M Ton
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28K Sqmi.
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Welcome to Mount
Ararat Discovery Foundation
Archaeologists, scientists, or scholars interested in participating in this upcoming expedition and research, please contact MADF by email. JOIN THE CAUSE


MADF coordinates bringing together various archaeological and scientific specialities so as to conduct expeditions and scientific studies in the most effective and efficient manner.


Ensuring that all archaeological work pertaining to this discovery is conducted according to proper scientific protocols and under appropriate scientific authority is our core mission.


MADF’s objective is to protect the cultural heritage of this mountain while ensuring that the people of the mountain and region benefit from sharing their cultural heritage with the world.

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First American Visit

After securing the site from environmental damage and providing for protection of its artifacts, MADF will sponsor an extensive archaeological survey of the Mount Ararat Discovery that will be conducted under the supervision of Turkey’s Dr. Oktay Belli.

The author was completing his twenty-year systematic investigation of the archaeological evidence of a worldwide Flood when Hong Kong explorers announced their 2010 discovery on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey. Pottery found in what appears the remains of Noah’s Ark relate to a ceramic assemblage that archaeologists see originating on the plains of Ararat and from which the author traces a second worldwide dispersion of mankind. Using forensic analysis, Williams had previously identified what are now understood as ancient religious burials as in fact resulting from a worldwide Flood, radiocarbon dated to about 2400BC […]


  • MADF sponsored and documented by professional videography the first interviews of the people of the mountain with knowledge of this structure and of the ancient artifacts privately owned believed to be associated with this structure.

  • MADF sponsored a multi-national archaeological expedition involving the nations of the Mount Ararat region and an archaeological survey of the Kura River whose cultural artifacts appear connected to Mount Ararat.

  • MADF sponsored Dr. Oktay Belli’s archaeological permit for a survey of Mount Ararat.

    Dr. Oktay Belli
  • MADF will sponsor the first archaeological survey of Mount Ararat by Dr. Oktay Belli. The expedition will include an American scientific team working through MADF in partnership with a Turkish team led by experienced mountain climbers from the region.

    Dr. Oktay Belli


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